Sunday, November 4, 2018

Greetings from Kyoko Tanaka (formerly of EU Delegation in Japan)

こんにちは! お元気ですか?

35/36 years ago, I was totally shocked when I heard some participants in the earlier ETP groups said: “We were sent to the moon, put in prison (Diamond Hotel) and got brainwashing (to learn Japanese). “  The first thing then I had to do was to wipeout this image of the ETP.  Was it successful?

Last some 20 years until I retired in 2008,  I was engaged in services in the trade and industry policy fields in the Delegation.  This is the period when you devoted yourself mostly or partly or indirectly to business with/in Japan.  It was thus so impressive that the EU- Japan Economic Partnership Agreement,  of which actual negotiations I missed, was signed this year!  And, you are now happily celebrating your 35th Anniversary of ETP 4. Congratulations!!

I hit “70” last January, a milestone, which means that I met you first just at the midway point of my life.  I “look fine” but need great  care for health. I enjoy quiet and slow life, mostly staying at home and sometimes  going out to see excellent fine art exhibitions in Tokyo.  Last October I enjoyed 薪能, no-play in the evening, at Meiji Shrine as you see the photo below.

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