Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Greetings from Aad & Leny Dingjan

To all fellow ETP-4’s and especially to Anthony and Dermot.

In the ETP 4 program I am one of the oldest members. When I came to Japan in 1983, I brought along my wife Leny and 3 sons: Daan (9), Wouter (7) and Koen (2). Daan passed away in 2010 due to brain tumor, leaving behind a son. In total Leny and I have 5 grand children.

The training in Japan has had a great impact on my life and career. After the ETP program was over, we stayed in Japan till 1989, getting the Holland based seed company I was working with, better established in Japan. Then we moved for the same company for 2 years to Singapore till 1991.

At that time the company went through a difficult period, which resulted into a change. I joined a Japanese seed company, working in Europe, till my retirement in 2009. In total I worked exactly 40 years, for 4 different seed companies.

Since 9 years we enjoy the freedom of being retired in good health. Usually we spend our time with the grand children, friends, sports, travelling and other minor hobbies.

Aad & Leny Dingjan
October 15, 2018

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