Sunday, November 16, 2008

Pictures of the Tokyo reunion from Dermot

ETP-IV - The Next Generation.  Alyssa (Ally) Tully (9) attends the Tokyo reunion
Ladies table - Hiroko & Alyssa (Tully) with Kumiko (Barthelemy) & Vanida (Visscher)

' and sitting to my right ...the lovely Kumiko (wife of Jean Barthelemy)

Patrick who simply 'radiates' his happiness
"Double Dutch" - Herbie & Jos

Ulrike - Eberhard's wife

Hiroko - Anthony's wife

Erik who traveled all the way from Denmark

Eberhard - back on his second (or is third?) posting in Japan

Happy to be going Dutch - Vanida Visscher and Tara Van der Valk

Some more pictures of our recent get-together in Aoyama (especially of the attractive ladies who attended and made it such a memorable night!). And for all of you who could not get to Tokyo this time, don't worry - there was talk on the night of holding the next reunion in Europe some time next year (at least it was a serious discussion from what I recall - before Anthony Tully made me join him for a 'nijikai' followed by another 'nijikai' ;>).   Twenty five years on  - well some things never change!  
At some point, I believe we toasted our 'absent friends', but like I say, my memory is somewhat hazy, but I do remember there were many lovely ladies at the party - err.. I mean - reunion!

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