Thursday, January 11, 2018

Greeting from Eric Joris

Dear all, Thank you for taking care of our shared memories…not sure I want to believe it is such a long time ago. The number of you happily retiring seems to confirm however.

Very sad indeed to hear about Allan, I found some pictures in an album, with Alan at the center of the formidable schoolteam of Ochanomizu. 

As for myself: still fully enjoying art & research with my performance company. I added some pictures of my wife Mia and my daughter Ester. Ester just sailed across the ocean and is now somewhere navigating around Guadeloupe. 

I will surely try to join the planned meeting. I do not want to miss this!
Best regards,

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Greetings from Jerome Faure

So many great souvenirs, thank you!

ETP was the springboard of my career and Japan remained a huge part of every career move I made, right until retirement. 

I feel very fortunate I got this opportunity and the blog reminded me of all the good times we had.

Greetings from the Laryn family in New Zealand

Happy New Year everyone!

After a degree in Italy and a master at NESCOT (UK), Fiona is a registered osteopath in New Zealand, based in Queenstown (the local St Moritz), where she is also a snowboard instructor. Federico (Fiona's partner) is a ski instructor and graphic designer. Both definitively on the sporty side.

With more ETP4s nearing leisure time (formerly known as retirement), it looks like the acronym could be rebranded as “Easy Travelling People”: we could start visiting each other! You are all warmly invited, perhaps not all at the same time.
You can see our place in this video:   
Only hurry up, because we’re on the market with the property as well as the business.

Cheers to each and everyone, and thanks for the opportunity to share and rekindle friendship,

Alex and Wilma Laryn

Tokyo Re-union - Date Confirmed!

After 9-months of the 'Berlitz method' some people needed a break to clear their heads!